Concatenating items to a list in T-SQL

Sometimes in SQL, you need the ability to concatenate rows of data together to form delimited lists. There are two ways this can be done: Using ISNULL and Stuff/XML Path. Below are examples of both. I typically use the ISNULL version more often since it’s feels simpler for me to remember:

Using ISNULL to create a list

declare @list varchar(max) select top 10 @list = isnull(@list+';','')+FirstName from AdventureWorks2014.Person.Person print @list

-- Result:


Using STUFF/XML Path to create a list

declare @list_xml varchar(max); set @list_xml = stuff((select top 10 ';'+FirstName from AdventureWorks2014.Person.Person for xml path ('')),1,1,'') print @list_xml

-- Result:


Concatenating items to a list in T-SQL

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